Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Audio/Video on Women for Fathers Rights

The world's number one fathers' rights activists, Dennis Gac, has an audio/video post on YouTube that talks about How can Women Help Their Man with Fathers' Rights Issues?  It's five minutes long and offers a number of tips and information that you can use to help your man with his custody battle, whether you're a wife, girlfriend, mother, or grandmother.  Some great, fast information to get you on the right track to helping the man in YOUR life see his children and gain the rights of fatherhood that he deserves!

Be sure to check the other YouTube videos and audio files available through Dennis Gac--he has a number of helpful instructions for women, men, and the loved ones in their lives that can help them with their fathers' rights issues.  In addition, Dennis Gac is the founder of the National Brotherhood of Fathers' Rights, which is a group that focuses on fathers gaining rights and custody of their children and giving them the chance to earn their fatherhood back from spiteful ex-wives and ex-girlfriends!

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